
April 18, 2011

Sweet & sour kind of week, and it's only Monday night...

Sweet and sour: Candy cart outside of the fabric store in Cabo San Lucas.

The sweet: We returned yesterday from the 5th Annual Crafty Chica Cruise! It was just like the Aladdin song- an indescribable feeling! We were pampered, we crafted, we shopped, we crafted again, we ate, laughed, danced and crafted all the way up to the very last minute. I have oodles of pictures to share and I will very soon.

The sour: Today was my first day back and my mom became ill. My sister took her to the ER and they are keeping her overnight. Tomorrow is a day full of all kinds of tests that I know she is not looking forward to. I'm taking tonight to go through a week's worth of emails so I can spend the day in the hospital room with my family to be there for her. I hate this part of life. We think about aging gracefully, just like in the movies - but reality is that the process can be so brutal, degrading and painful. And it is the WORST feeling in the world to see our parents go through it and feel helpless.

Insert calm, deep breath here.

My sister-in-law told me to keep good thoughts and that is exactly what I intend to do. My sister is right there with my mom, spending the night at her side. Hopefully the tests will come back A-OK and my mom will get released by this time tomorrow. That is what I'm focusing on and visualizing! I truly have faith it'll work!

Here is song from Florence + the Machine, dedicated to my mom. She's got the love and deserves to feel better...



  1. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. Watching our parents age is agonizing.


  2. thinking of you and your family. xo cathie and eddie

  3. Sherry Scott10:41 AM

    So sorry to hear that your mother is ill, Kathy. If anyone can help her be well by positive thinking you can. Love, Sherry

  4. I'm sending good thoughts for you and yours.

  5. Prayers and light to you, your familia and especially your madre.

  6. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Our prayers are with you and your family, Kathy. I know what you're going through and it's so tough. So glad your Mom has you and your sister, because it's so hard to do everything - even with a huge family. Kiss you Mom for us.

  7. Sorry to hear that, I always love reading your blog! I learn so much. In fact I have a bunch of cake pops cooling right now! I am making mine tie dye... FYI- I find this blog useful in dealing with stress Chin up you are awesome!


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