
April 16, 2011

El Pastelito de flores Art Apron

 This year on the 5th Annual Crafty Chica Art Cruise, we are making art aprons using new Tulip Shimmer Iron-On Sheets, Shimmer Fabric Paints and Fabric Markers. With a little bit of Beads in a Bottle.

Emily came over last week and helped me make class samples. She drew the cupcake design with a black marker, filled it in with more marker and then add the Shimmer Sheets for the base and flames.
 Next, I used the Tulip® Dye Techniques Kit™ and created a green background using fishing net.

I then drew out some flowers and filled in with markers, Shimmer Paint and Beads in a Bottle.

I'm excited to see what the other cruisers will make!

1 comment:

  1. love it! i wish i could see how you used the fishing net..

    ok so i have to tell you my crafty chica super fan moment that i just had..
    turns out my cousins know your husband.. and after i caught that on facebook i called one of them to ask "how do you know crafty chica's husband??? i am like her biggest fan, just finished her book, am obsessed with her glitter line.. etc" to which i was promptly told to "get off kathy's nuts" so this is my getting off your nuts and sulking in the corner :)


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