
March 2, 2013

My Goal: 31 Projects in 31 Days! #nationalcraftmonth

I have a gazillion things going on, but I'm determined to bust out 31 new DIY projects this month in honor of National Craft Month! And yes, I already started yesterday... :-) Not only to celebrate this month, but to give people ideas and inspiration to incorporate some kind of creativity in their daily lives.

That is also the mission of a new movement from the Craft and Hobby Association called  Cre8time!

Are you doing anything special for National Craft Month on your blog, web site or other web outlet? If so, leave a link below so we can all visit each other's site! Time to spread the crafty love!

Here is a video that shows what Cre8time is all about! Enjoy! Oh! and don't forget - I'm giving away a Singer One sewing machine - here is how to enter!


1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! I have many crafty plans for the month but since it's just starting so far there is only a coloring page up for March. There will be clock projects crochet patterns and lots of printable crafts and probably something with glitter.


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