
November 19, 2012

How to Make Bath Bomb Cupcakes!

Guest writer, Chloe Tatro shows how you can make your own bath bomb cupcakes using Bramble Berry supplies! Read on to see how you can enter a drawing to win $100 worth of goodies!
Bath Bomb Cupcake Tutorial
by Chloe Tatro
Special for
A few months ago I was chatting with my amazingly creative friend Kathy (the Crafty Chica!) about beauty products, and blogging, and how fun it would be to blog about beauty products! So imagine my delight when Kathy asked me if I would be interested in getting creative with some products from Bramble Berry® SoapMaking Company … and then write about it! I guess I should note that I am OBSESSED with handmade soap and bath products; not that I’ve ever made any of my own (that always seemed too difficult), but oh my goodness how I love bubbles, and soap, and lotion, and … and …

The day my package from Bramble Berry arrived was like Christmas … And it smelled even yummier than Yuletide goodies! Stocked full of products like the Bath Bomb Cupcake Kit, a Lotion Bar Kit and the Foodie Fragrance Oil Kit, I knew I was in for a treat (pun intended).

Like Kathy, I LOVE cupcakes. Cupcake Bath Bombs? What a genius idea, by the way: the perfect dessert meets the perfect relaxation station.

While I consider myself creative, I’m not what I would call “crafty,” so as I gathered my supplies, I wondered if an ordinary “Jill Schmoe” like me could actually make a cool, functional bath product that could be thrown into the tub instead of the trash.

Luckily for me, Anne-Marie Faiola, a.k.a. the Soap Queen andcreator of Bramble Berry, has a fantastic Bath Bomb Cupcake video tutorial onher blog. What shocked me most about the process was how incredibly easy it was! Well, the bath fizzy part anyways. The “frosting” proved to be a little trickier for me.

Here’s what I did:
Step-by-step process to make the fizzies and frosting, see directions below! Photos by Chloe Tatro.

Cupcake Base (the fizzy part):

Mix 1 cup of citric acid (included in kit) with 2 cups of baking soda (not included).

Then add your fragrance and coloring. The kit comes with blue for the base, so that’s what I used; about 16 drops from the included dropper. For my fragrance, I chose Lemon Cake from the Foodie Fragrance Kit. (I love all things lemon and should probably take that as a sign to plant a lemon tree in my backyard.) And can I just say that the Lemon Cake fragrance actually smells like lemon cake?! So much so that my dogs were lurking in the area because they thought I was actually baking food and wanted a taste! (Which I did not give them.) I kind of wanted a taste too … Let’s be honest …

Mix your coloring and fragrance in with a whisk; once mixed, add a few spritzes of Witch Hazel (included in kit) and use your hands to blend in. Start testing your mixture. If it sticks together when you clump it in your hand, it’s ready to use! If not, keep adding a few spritzes at a time until ready.

Line the included cupcake mold (included) from your kit with cupcake liners (also included in kit), then start adding your fizzy mixture.

Make sure to press the mixture into the liner as you add, filling it to the top and continuing with additional mixture to create a rounded top; just like a cupcake! Then set aside while you make your “frosting.”

Frosting (the bubble part):

It’s important to note that the kit does not include the same amount of product used in the video tutorial, so I had to work with what I had since I didn’t find instructions in my kit.

Here’s a link to the tutorial:

Mix 1½ cups of meringue powder with warm water until completely blended (about 2 minutes).

Add the rest of your ingredients: 8 tablespoons of oil, 2 cups of powdered sugar and 1¾ cups of sodium laurel sulfate (SLS). (I couldn’t find Cream of Tartar at the store, so I did without). Use a spatula to blend the products together.

Now add your fragrance. The Soap Queen calls for half an ounce, but I had no idea how to measure that so I used about 8 droppers of Clementine Cupcake fragrance. Yum!

Mix on low to start, then medium until blended. I noticed my mixture was clumpy for some reason. I’m not sure if it was because I didn’t have the proper amounts of ingredients or because I didn’t add Cream of Tartar, but I just couldn’t get it perfectly smooth! I was however, able to get my frosting a little more workable by adding small amounts of water at a time and blending.

Once your fragrance is mixed in, then add your coloring. The kit came with fuchsia, which I happen to love, so I used that. But you can probably use any food coloring shade you like. Mix on medium for a few minutes (make sure to use your spatula to work in the sides), then you’re ready to “frost”!

The kit comes with a piping bag and tip, but I imagine you can use a good ol’ butter knife to spread the stuff on if you want. I decided to channel my inner baker and go with the piping bag.

If you decide to use the piping bag, simply cut off the tip of the bag, then stuff your frosting tip down into the opening. Fill your bag with frosting then twist tightly to make sure the frosting doesn’t push out of the top of the bag as you frost your cupcakes.

Starting in the center of your cupcake, squeeze your piping bag, working frosting around in a spiral until entire surface of cupcake is covered. Layer additional frosting as desired.

If you love shiny things like myself (and the Crafty Chica), now’s the time to add glitter (comes in the kit). Sprinkle it over your frosting and let your cupcakes sit for 12 to 24 hours to completely set. And by then you’ll ready for a bath, am I right?! I know I am!

Note: Hindsight is 20/20.

TIP: Make sure to use your frosting soon after you mix it. Although it looks and smells like actual frosting, it’s NOT ACTUALLY FROSTING. It’s designed to dry out fairly quickly and then to be thrown into a fabulous pool of water to make mounds of fizzy bubbles.

All in all, I have to say, I am definitely hooked. I had NO IDEA how fun and easy it is to make your own bath bombs. And I think you will be hooked too! (Even if you’re like me and can’t make Jack-o-lantern faces!)

More incentive: During the month of November, Bramble Berry is entering those who order supplies into a drawing to win a $100 gift certificate for more Bramble Berry products. Just enter the code GIVEMBER100 when checking out.

Whether you win or not, remember, handmade is heartmade, and I am totally inspired to help my friends and family have some good, clean fun this season.


Disclosure: Chloe received the products free from Bramble Berry for review purposes, her article and findings are her honest opinions.

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