
October 2, 2012

Virtual Gallery Walk!

Talavera-inspired mugs I painted.
I was so thrilled when artist Liz Hicks ( invited me to be a part of her first Virtual Gallery Walk! She asked each of us to post pictures of some of our work and about our inspiration. I never really noticed what my "style" was until a few years ago. I knew I loved bright colors and sparkle, but it wasn't until I started working on my product line that I realized the thread that held everything together was positivty and affirmations. That message was then relayed through my art. Once I figured that out, I was able to develop and celebrate it even more!
One thing about me, I don't stand still for long. Especially when it comes to crafts. I like to try all kinds of genres, techniques and projects. I'll sew like crazy and make 15 fabric collage purses in two days and then I won't want to sew for six months. Next, I'll draw and paint for a week, and so forth...That's how it goes over here in my life! To see more of my work, check out the Art tab up there!

How do you work?

One of my illustrations in a mixed media frame.

Letter stamps and ink pads!
Check out the other artists who will be on the tour this week, please go visit and give them some artful love! Today is my day along with Tracy Weinzapfel Burgos: (

Camille McClelland:
Catherine Matthews-Scanlon:
Cheryl Waters-
Jen Cushman:
Lorraine Bell:
Martha Richardson:
Jamie Dougherty-


  1. Wow- love that piece. Off to check out more of your blog!

  2. You art & colors make me HAPPY!!!

  3. Wow Kathy Love your work and your blog! Happy to share the Day with you on the Virtual Art Walk!

  4. I am so glad I found your blog and that you participated in the online gallery. I love the bold colors that you use, as I love color also. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. LOVE me some Crafty Chica! Proud that I own one of your creations, though you didn't sign it anywhere...

  6. I love it! I love that we all created something totally unique. Would love to have a whole set. :)

  7. I am always thrilled when I come here and see all the fun pieces and vibrant colors.
    Thanks for making life a little brighter

  8. I am thrilled that Liz came up with this virtual gallery walk, mainly because it has already exposed me to so many artists I didn't know, yourself included. I love the vibrant colors you use and the happiness your work makes me feel. I enjoyed hearing that you hop around from one type of craft to another, as I tend to do the same thing!

    Thank you so much for participating in this virtual tour and for sharing your talent with all of us.

  9. I loved touring your site, the colors everywhere are amazing.

    I tend to start one project and keep at it until I'm done, at least now... in the past I had so many things going that I have an entire closet of UFO's!!!


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