
October 13, 2012

MEXI-HALLOWEEN: Chile-lime Caramel Apples

 I know what you're thinking - "Ewwww!"

Stop. Right. There.

These are actually VERY tasty! I've become addicted to the tangy chile-lime powder that goes on fruit. And then a couple years back, I had one of these and knew I wanted to recreate the taste.

There is something about the sweet crispness of the apples, the chewiness of the caramel and the spicy tang of the chile and lime powder.  It's a loca flavor explosion in your mouth! Not tomention, a conversation starter for party guests!
- Melted caramels OR Caramel Dip - I treied both as you can see in the picture. The melted caramel was very sticky on the teeth and stringy, whereas the dip was spreadable and creamy. It's all a matter of preference. My fave? The dip!
- Green apples. You can slice them and eat with toothpicks or do full apples.
- Tajin Fruit Seasoning or Znax Snack topping (found at Mexican grocery stores or online)
- Plate and wax paper.
- Toothpicks

Apply caramel to apple and sprinkle on the seasoning, that's it! Arrange on a plate! This combo certainly has a tangy bite, so I suggest going the sliced route. If you want, you can even squeeze some fresh lime juice on top.


  1. Oh my! You just hit my Mexican spot! Will try this soon :)

  2. Oh my! You just hit my Mexican spot! Will try this soon :)

  3. OMG this sounds amazing and I am a fan of chile y limon on EEERRRRythang so I know this has got to be yummy! I'll have to try it!



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