
July 10, 2012

Get Motivated: Shake Your Snowglobe!

We started the GET MOTIVATED online class yesterday and wow, meeting all these cool people has inspired me so much! I'm sharing my first tip as a freebie for all of you and will add on some extra tips for the students at the end of the course. Can you believe, I came up with 150 tips? It was so hard to narrow them down to only 23. Maybe there will be a round two course in the future...hmmm...

Until then, here is the video. If you want to join to see the rest of the series ($23), the class runs through the end of the month, and I'm commenting on everyone's questions on the discussion boards, so it's never too late to join in! Materials will be left online for the next few months, so you can watch the videos at your own pace! Click here to register!


  1. Madame, you are magnificent! I'm about to shake my SNOWGLOBE!

  2. I've been shaking my snow globe like crazy and glitter is just raining down on me.

    You've been the example in the back of my mind through all my new ventures.

    Thank you!!!!!


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