
June 21, 2012

VIDEO: Quilled Paper Flower Hair Pins

Last month I received a call from a PR firm letting me know that celebrity crafter, author, blogger ( and Anthropologie merchandising manager, Kayte Terry, was going to be in Phoenix for a weekend.

"Kayte mentioned that maybe you guys could meet up and craft," said the PR lady told me in an email.

Um...YES! Was all I could think of to reply! Beyond flattered! Kayte has a new book out that is filled with paper crafting projects and we got together on Memorial Day and...crafted!

Here is one of two projects we made from her book. I'll post the second one next week! Enjoy!

 And here is Kayte's book:

Paper Made!: 101 Exceptional Projects to Make Out of Everyday Paper (Workman Publishing, $16.95, paperback)

Kayte Terry


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