
June 11, 2012

Summer photography contest at the @HeardMuseum

Lone Stretch Carmen Hunter
Patrick and I have been working with The Heard Museum for many years and are always happy to share news of the exciting events happening there. This summer Heard Museum North Scottsdale, the Heard’s community branch, has a photography contest!

Through the Lens: Diné Photographers, opens June 12. This thought-provoking exhibition of work by contemporary Navajo photographers, curated by the Navajo Nation Museum, marks the first time ever that a show curated by an American Indian arts/culture museum has traveled to the Heard. This juried show will present a fascinating and diverse range of photographers and subject matter. Through these compelling images, museum visitors will see the many ways Navajo photographers celebrate the beauty and comment on their home, their land and contemporary life. The photographs will also provide an opportunity to explore the similarities and differences between Navajo culture and mainstream culture via themes such as rites of passage, sports, family and love of the land. 
To celebrate, the Heard is lauching: “Through Our Visitors’ Lens: Summer Photo Contest.” This exhibit, curated by the Navajo Nation Museum in Window Rock, features the photography of both seasoned and emerging Diné (Navajo) photographers.
Entering is easy: just submit a photo taken at Heard Museum North Scottsdale. By submitting a photo you could be the winner of The Ultimate Heard Museum Visitor Gift Package!
- $40 gift certificate to the Heard Cafés (the Gallery Café at Heard Museum North Scottsdale or the Courtyard Café at Heard Museum Phoenix)
-Package of Heard Museum apparel, worth more than $50 (including a tote bag, t-shirt and coffee mug) from the Heard Museum’s Books & More
-A private tour to the Heard Museum Collection for you and a guest

Here’s what you need to do to participate in the contest:

1)      Visit Heard Museum North Scottsdale and see Through the Lens: Diné Photographers
2)      Take a picture of your visit. Remember no flash photography in the galleries.
3)      Email your photo to Provide your name, phone number, email address and zip code. Limit one entry per person per week.
4)      Visit to see if your photo has been selected as the “Through Our Visitors’ Lens: Shot of the Week.”
5)      The winner of the contest will be selected from all of the Shot of the Week selections. Photographs will be chosen by a committee of Heard Museum staff.

Contest will end August 31, 2012. Winners will be contacted shortly after the contest closes.
For contest details please email or call 602.251.0244.

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