
May 28, 2012

Miss Scarlet book interview on PBS!

Last month I was featured on PBS' Books & Co. to talk about my novel, Miss Scarlet's School of Patternless Sewing (Grand Central Publishing).

Host's (Alberto Rios) impression:
"Kathy Cano-Murillo was such an ebullient, positive personality that it was hard not to draw comparisons to her main character in the novel. Her earnest sense of wanting to portray Latinas in what I would call the “middle”—that is, not in trouble on the one end and not having won the lottery on the other—is an admirable, and in so many ways much more difficult, direction. Her vibrant obsession with sewing and crafting does, finally, work as a solid metaphor." 

 Click here and scroll to the bottom to see other portions of the interview!


  1. I have always liked that word, ebullient, what a wonderful thing to be!

  2. Wonderful! I am eagerly awaiting another novel...

  3. Congratulations, I am eagerly awaiting your next novel...


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