
April 5, 2011

Time for cruisin'!

Over here at La Casa Murillo, we prepping for the cruise later this month! Here is Patrick's project. He is going to teach a workshop called "Papel Picado Art Stencils." This class is sponsored by Fiskars! I'll be posting directions after we return, so you can make the project too! This is our best cruise yet, here's why...

Patrick's papel picado art stencil!

We have awesome workshops, demos, swaps, all kinds of crafty things lines up.  I hope we have to get to everything! I'll be sharing all the classes soon! I'm kind of stressing these days because I'm still waiting on a box of T-shirts that I need to silkscreen for the cruisers. Will they make it here on time? Cross your fingers for me, OK?

Aside from leading the cruise and teaching most of the workshops, I hope I have time to 1. sing karaoke and 2. Write.  I'll let you know how it goes.

The best that happened today was finding out that as an employee of Fed Ex, DeAngelo receives an amazing discount!

Another high point - I finished Angry Birds today - the entire game. I'm not a game person at all, but when my sister's dog died a few weeks ago, I played AB as a way to escape the sadness. Well, I became addicted! Just a bit ago  I bought Angry Birds RIO and love it. In stead of killing pigs, you set little birds free!


Oh wait, the BEST thing about today was that my friend Amy came over and we made more cake pops!

I'm so tired, time to crash! Have a super day!

Last thing - FAVOR!! 

If you've had a chance to read my new novel (and hopefully liked it!), would you mind leaving a review on, or - or even all of them!? Thanks!
And if you already have left a review, thank you too!


  1. I've been addicted to Angry Birds Seasons (Trick or Treat, Season's Greedings, Hogs and Kisses, Go Green, Get Lucky).

    I just finished Go Green and Get Lucky which was shamrock themed. Too cute.

    I'm totally excited to hear about the free the birds edition and am on my way to check it out now. :D

  2. I've been playing around with how to make my own papel picado for cards....I SOOOOO wish I was on your cruise now so I could take this workshop.


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