
March 16, 2011

Taking a much-needed breather. And playing Angry Birds.

I'm here in Fresno this week at iLoveToCreate studios and the week has felt like a rocket ship on warp speed. And coming off of my book launch last week, I'm more fried than a triple-dipped chimichanga.

This photo is from the QuadCam app. My friend, Alexa, turned me on to it. We had just finished dinner at Red Robin and we each started taking pictures of ourselves for about five minutes. No talking, just making funky faces, snapping pictures. We looked up to see a lady across the room staring at us. Yup, we looked pretty weird. Two friends sitting across from each other at a restaurant, posing for hammy self-portraits.

Yah, so anyway...

I'm emotionally drained right now. I had a big decision that I thought I was ready to make, but wasn't sure. Through the powers that be, my dad intervened and set up my answer square on. Out of nowhere! I don't even know how to go into it, but it was a very eerie series of circumstances, involving incredible timing, dreams and intuition. It was a wonderful lesson about keeping the faith! All is well, but all I want to do right now is play Angry Birds until my fingertips go numb.

I'll probably blog when I get home on Saturday, my little traveling laptop keeps freezing up and my mind is mush. Not a productive combination.

Have a super rest of the week! I have LOADS of exciting news to announce soon! I'll be back in a jiffy!

Contest results will be up this weekend too!

Kathy :-)

P.S. Thank you again to all the blog tour participants from last week, I'm so grateful!


  1. Have fun! (Ummm - did you get your passport?)

  2. Angry Birds is a blast. Hope you're enjoying your down time.


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