
February 18, 2011

A painting: from beginning to end

I've been working on refining my painting skills and had someone ask me for a step-by-step.Here is apiece I did for an art auction and I had my iPhone handy and was able to take photos during the process. Granted, I'm still a newbie, so don't judge!
First, I like to paint my canvas from the back. I gessoed it and then sketched my design.

A better way to do this is to sketch on paper first and then go big, but oh well. I just went for it.
 Part of the learning process, right?

After I inked the outline, I added the skin color. however, I mixed this shade a bit on the Snooki side, so I redid her complexion.

Now she is starting to come alive!

First layer of color!

Highlighted and embellished. I like that by using the inside of the canvas, I can then decorate the "frame"! I hope someone bids on my painting. The live auction is next week.

A few years back at this very event, THIS happened to me:

I made a super cool mixed media altered crown to a live auction - the auctioneer put the crown on like a baseball hat - in front of a room of 2,000 people in black tie and glittery gowns and he said, "Starting bid $250!"

I hollered, "You are wearing it wrong!"

He took it off and put it on like a backwards baseball cap. I sunk in my chair. No one bid. To make matters worse, he goes "Do I have $100?" *Pause* "How about $75?" *Pause* "$50?"

I wanted to crawl under the skirted table and go into the fetal position. Instead I sipped on my water. The people at my table (my newspaper co-workers) pretended to read the fine print on their event programs.

He finally goes "$25! - OK, we have a bid for $25!"

"Whew!" I thought.

I watched the auction assistant carry the crown down the center aisle in search of the mystery bidder.

There wasn't one. The auctioneer just made it up to get the thing off the stage.

Can you say crunch?



  1. This is great!! Thanks for posting each stage of your work, it's nice to see the awesome development :-)


    The Creative Muslimah @

  2. Me encanta ese cuadro, tiene un color increíble .
    Besos desde España

  3. am a new follower, loved the final piece(lol on the snookie color) and a.D.m. on the auction, good for you for getting back on the auction horse so to speak!

  4. Anonymous10:53 PM

    hey Kathy, dya think it would be possible for you to do a shrine workshop in June? I live in India, and my summer vacation is in June, that's when I come to USA. That would be like, AWESOME!!! I have wanted to meet you for a LOOOOOONG time and I love shrines!!!!!
    your fan.

  5. Thanks, everyone!!

    What part of June? Maybe so!!

  6. You as always so great ... your whole blog, which is nice.
    You have some beautiful photos and ideas.
    I will continue visit you.
    A big kiss from Madrid.

  7. Anonymous6:01 AM

    any time, I will beg and beg 2 b able 2 come.

  8. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Ahh,there is no anxiety like art auction anxiety! I love the idea of painting the inside of the canvas and embellishing the frame back.

  9. love love love this so much....but, how do you frame it? did you put screws on the back or sit on a pedistal or what? thank you for posting. you are awesome!

  10. Love love love your way of just jumping in and going for it. I've always been the plan it kind of gal. But "My Heart's Muse" (same as my blog) just loves just jumping in and getting dirty. I also love that you used the backside of the canvas and utilized the structure as it's own personal frame. That rocks. I think I may borrow that one to try it out. Love your work, your energy is contagious in an awesome kind of way. And I so love your wit.

    Hilo, Hawaii


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