
November 25, 2009

Goodies from San Antonio!

On Friday night I went to a Chicano art and craft show called ZonArte at Centro Cultural Aztlan. There were more than 50 local artists selling their wares, and I shopped! They had so many creative treats, I couldn't resist!

"Chisme" (gossip) ceramic mug.

Maya bought two headbands from this artist. She had the cutest designs, all made with vintage jewelry, feathers and flowers.

Me with the "Crafty Latina!" She makes sparkly cigar box purses, beautiful rubber stamped greeting cards and all kinds of jewelry.

Here is Ruth, she organized ZonArte, and also made art to sell (her whole family makes art!). Ruth's sister is Ana from Los Switcheros!

Me with my friend, Sandra - Pocha Peña! We've been online buddies for years and it was marvelous to hang out in person, and her hubby is super fun and artsy too!

Before we called it a night, we drove by Casa Margarita. Look at that window display! We also drove by The Alamo, and Sandra Cisnero's infamous painted house! BTW, House on Mango Street turns 25!

Well, that is my wrap up of my weekend in San Antonio! Sending out lots of hugs and gratitude to Michaels, iLoveToCreate, a Duncan Enterprises Company, Tres Rebecas, Aida, and all the chipper people I met! And thank you to everyone who Twittered, blogged and Facebooked my event, I appreciate it so much!

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving day! Coming soon: Gobs of new holiday project ideas!

Peace, love, and glitter!
Kathy :-)

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