
May 13, 2009

Duct Tape Handbag

Everyone and their crafty next door neighbor has made a duct tape handbag at one time or another. Here is one I made a few years back. I still love it. I do wish I had used brighter tape though, I will have to revisit this project!

Duct tape of assorted colors.
Cardboard (12 by 4 inches).

Directions: Work on a large flat surface. Begin by making "panels." Cut six strips of duct tape, each measuring 12 inches long. Lay one strip sticky side up. Lay another alongside it, with 1/4 inch overlapping. Attach the remaining four strips in the same fashion. Cut six more strips and lay them sticky side down on top of and perpendicular to the first six strips. Repeat the process two more times so that you have a total of three panels. Cut two 4-inch-wide strips from the third panel; these will be the sides of your purse. Cover the cardboard with tape. Neatly connect all the pieces from the inside and outside of the bag with tape. Use the remaining pieces from the third panel to make the handles. Make a separate panel and attach as a pocket for the front of the purse. Add colored tape trim to decorate.

TIPS AND VARIATIONS: For a more colorful bag, before adding the pocket, add rows of colored tape over the bag. Make other items to match, such as a wallet, bracelet or hat.

Peace, love, and glitter!
Kathy :-)

P.S. Check out my new book and product line!


  1. I gave my husband a duct tape wallet a couple of Christmas' ago. If I made this for myself, we'd be matchy matchy!

  2. My teen used to love duck tape crafts. SHe has made a wallet, belt and even flip flops for her younger sister. Duck tape is so useful! Love your purse.

  3. OMG! Can you believe I've NEVER ever made anything from duct tape? I sue it to fix stuff, but.... Well, gotta run t5o the store NOW and get that hot pink tape I saw recently and wondered "why is that necessary?" LOL!


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