I decided to tear off the edges of the glitter cardstock pieces so I could trim them with black ink. I ended up with a pile of luxurious scraps! you think I would toss these babies out/ Heck to the NO! I put them in Ziplock to use on my new mixed media canvas collages (that I'm going to make in the new year).
Here are the cards set out to dry. I made 30 and burned through three Aleene’s® Acid-Free Tacky Glue™ Glue Stick. I glued down the cardstock and then the picture in the center, but the cards still lacked that "pop." Therefore I added some swirly glittered accents.
Easy and heartfelt!! Is it just me, or is addressing the cards harder than actually making them?

WOW! How inspiring! they are beautiful...I can even get myself to finish filling out pre-made cards...and you MADE yours! great job!